International Linear Algebra Society

Frank’s Lesson Plans

Frank Uhlig (Auburn University)

I have been teaching Linear Algebra since my second year at University when I was asked to guide a weekly recitation session of the incoming class. This made me teach cooperatively by listening to student ideas and helping them understand and formulate what I had just learned, teaching me new ways as well.
My Ph. D. work was in abstract matrix theory and my first University job was at a Numerical Analysis Institute where I learned to code and compute and taught a wide range of numerical and matrix analysis. Throughout my career I have always been engaged with elementary Linear Algebra education questions, with possible improvements in the actual student learning process. Over the last two decades I have begun to assess our first linear algebra course and have become aware of its historic deficiencies.
I have just finished a completely matrix driven first linear algebra course in a set of Lesson Plans that covers our centuries old syllabus by using the power of matrices themselves. These Lesson Plans do not rely on the centuries old non-functioning theory that still holds our students back from our best knowledge and practices with matrices. Matrices are the source of their own success and modern ubiquitous use in engineering, AI, robot control, and the running of the internet.
We invite every instructor teaching and every student enrolled in a first Linear Algebra course to read, use and/or learn the power of matrices in a modern way here.
