International Linear Algebra Society

ILAS Education Workshop

Madrid, Sunday, June 11, 2023

The goal of this workshop is to build lesson plans for teaching linear algebra at all levels and to share them with the ILAS community. The workshop is an opportunity to launch this project and to invite ILAS colleagues to participate and contribute. Please register your intention to participate (remotely or in person) here. The Venue: Colegio Mayor Antonio de Nebrija (Salón de Actos) Av. de Séneca, 8, 28040 Madrid.

To attend vitually, click here to open a zoom link.

TimePlanned activityWorking format
15:00-15:10Welcome and opening remarks
15:10-15:30Speaker: Frank Uhlig (Auburn University)
Title: Elementary Linear Algebra Lesson Plans based on Modern Matrix Use
Questions for Discussion
1. What is important for students to know about linear algebra in the 21st Century? How and what should we teach?
2. How would you structure a lesson plan? What are its components?

Small groups.
Each group will report
a few points, to be assembled into a
shared document.
Break5-minute break
16:00-17:00 Speaker: Mike Michailidis (MathWorks)
Title: Machine Learning Meets Linear Algebra
Discussion: How to include MATLAB in linear algebra lesson plans? What supports are available?
50-60 minutes
(including interaction and discussion)
17:00-17:30 Conclusion and next steps

Speaker:  Rachel Quinlan (University of Galway)
Title: Building an online lesson plan library
How should we build the library? What should its initial structure be?
How to make it useful for teaching? How would you like to contribute?

Speaker: Sepideh Stewart (University of Oklahoma)
Concluding remarks: 
Immediate next steps
Future directions/workshops
Applied modern linear algebra book (open source)
5 minutes

15 minutes discussion

10 minutes